Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wii Mini - Leaked by Best Buy?

Seems strange that Nintendo would let Best Buy debut their product but they have a full blog post discussing the Wii Mini. It doesn’t have internet capability or play Gamecube games, but besides that, is a perfectly functional miniature Wii.
Best Buy will be carrying the Nintendo Wii Mini starting on December 7th and will be taking pre-orders later today (November 27th.)
I find it very strange for Nintendo to release a mini of their Wii considering they just released a brand new console called the WiiU. This may cause confussion for non-gamer types during the holiday shopping season.
What about you, do you own a Wii? Would you consider buying the Wii Mini for a lower cost of only $99 versus the normal Wii Gaming Bundles costing anywhere from $125.00 to $250.00?

-Ubu out

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