Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ubu the Tech Guru and Pork Chop Platoon split ways - it's all gravy

To all those that knew of me as a Pork Chop Platoon member. PCP and I have decided to split ways as a mutual agreement due to my new found direction with going VIRAL and being an internet super star as "Ubu the Tech Guru". UbuntuAddicted is who I am online everywhere so that will remain my Xbox Live Gamertag.

PCP was and still is one of the Elite Adult Gaming Clans/Families online. Their 4 years history proves they know what they are doing. With over 380+ members I am sure someone will fill the shoes as far as helping out on the forums with the vast Technological knowledge that I contain. IF any members still want help you know how to reach me either via OR the phone number that you have had these past 18+ months.

I wish the best for all PCP members and their families.

"Ubu the Tech Guru"

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